Invite new users to your workspace

Only the Workspace Owner and Workspace Admins can send invitations. This ensures controlled access and maintains security within the workspace.

Send an invitation

The only way to join a workspace is through an invitation from an existing member. Your ability to send invitations depends on your role within the workspace.

  • 1

    Click User Management in the sidebar to open the drop-down menu.

  • 2
    Click Manage Invitations.
  • 3
    Click + INVITE USER in the top right.
  • 4

    Enter the email address of the person you want to invite in the bar that opens.

  • 5

    Click Save, then click Ok.

Send multiple invitations

To streamline the invitation process, you can send multiple invitations at once by uploading a .CSV file. This method allows you to efficiently invite many users without having to enter their email addresses individually.

  • 1

    Click User Management in the sidebar to open the drop-down menu.

  • 2

    Click Manage Invitations.

  • 3

    Click + INVITE FROM CSV.

  • 4

    Drag your CSV file into the outlined area, or click Select files to upload it.

  • 5

    Click Save, then click Ok.

Learn how to change a user’s role in your workspace.

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