Articles, news, blog posts about TrueScreen, technology and cybersecurity.
Il Resto del Carlino: Flood Damages, an App to Certify Them
Homes, businesses, automobiles. Damaged by a relentless onslaught of inclement weather that managed to sweep away, either wholly or partially, the efforts of an entire lifetime. These damages now [...]
La Repubblica: Truescreen certifies flood damage for free
At a time of great difficulty for Emilia-Romagna, launching initiatives to support the flooded populations is crucial for us. TrueScreen wants to support by offering its services for free [...]
Legal protection insurance | DAS Difesa Legale & TrueScreen
Defending your rights: This is the mission we share with DAS Difesa Legale, the first Legal Protection Insurance Company in Italy, affiliated with major insurance companies Generali Italia and [...]
PwC Spotlights TrueScreen as Top 5 Global Cybersecurity Startup
TrueScreen has been selected by PwC Headquarters of Luxembourg as one of the top 5 cybersecurity companies worldwide. The 5 startups will compete at PwC Cybersecurity Day 2023 for [...]
Verified certificates with TrueScreen and Progetto Europa
Insieme, TrueScreen e Progetto Europa si propongono di offrire ai partecipanti corsi di formazione immediatamente certificati con valore legale. Grazie alla tecnologia di TrueScreen, infatti, i documenti emessi da Progetto Europa possono essere verificati e certificati in modo rapido ed efficiente, riducendo il rischio di falsificazioni e frodi.
SMAU 2023: TrueScreen flies to Paris
This year TrueScreen flies to Paris and participates in the SMAU 2023 event presenting its innovative cybersecurity solutions.
Deep Fake Neighbour Wars and celebrities: risks of deepfake
La serie televisiva britannica "Deep Fake Neighbour Wars" scatena un dibattito sulle conseguenze etiche-sociali dell’utilizzo del deep fake.
Photo manipulation risks: how to protect files | TrueScreen
Quali sono i rischi della manipolazione di foto? Li portiamo alla luce riflettendo sul commercial Google Pixel "Fixed On Pixel", sottolinea involontariamente come la manipolazione delle foto può avere conseguenze più negative di quanto si possa pensare.
TrueScreen certifies document flows for Credem assicurazioni
We are pleased to announce the important project launched with Credemassicurazioni S.p.A. for certified digital document management of claims related to the "Loss of Workplace" guarantee. In just a [...]