Articles, news, blog posts about TrueScreen, technology and cybersecurity.
Photo manipulation risks: how to protect files | TrueScreen
Quali sono i rischi della manipolazione di foto? Li portiamo alla luce riflettendo sul commercial Google Pixel "Fixed On Pixel", sottolinea involontariamente come la manipolazione delle foto può avere conseguenze più negative di quanto si possa pensare.
TrueScreen certifies document flows for Credem assicurazioni
We are pleased to announce the important project launched with Credemassicurazioni S.p.A. for certified digital document management of claims related to the "Loss of Workplace" guarantee. In just a [...]
The app that gives legal value to any content is “App of the Day” on the App Store
L'app TrueScreen è stata selezionata come "App del giorno" da Apple. Ma cosa significa esattamente questo riconoscimento tanto importante?
Dematerialization of documents: a step toward the future
Document dematerialization, or the conversion of paper documents to digital format, is becoming increasingly important especially for today's businesses. The main reasons include the need to reduce costs, improve productivity and increase sustainability. [...]
Cyberbullying: fight hate and discrimination with Antihater
Il cyberbullismo è purtroppo in continuo aumento e può radicarsi in qualsiasi contesto online, generando conseguenze anche più gravi di quello offline.
Worse than deepfake: synthetic media is the new trend 2023
Synthetic media is a new technology trend that is deploying in 2023. But what exactly is synthetic media and how does it differ from deepfakes? Synthetic media are images, video, [...]
Steph Curry: viral deepfake video of full-court hoops
Il video virale dove Steph Curry fa una serie di incredibili canestri da una distanza impossibile si rivela essere un deepfake. Scopriamo come contrastare la diffusione dei contenuti manipolati.
TrueScreen App now speaks 5 languages
Italian, English, Spanish, French, German: the TrueScreen app now speaks 5 languages! TrueScreen services are even more accessible thanks to translation into the most widely spoken languages in Europe and beyond.
The value of images and videos: risks of the zero-trust era
"Synthetic media" are advancing as are the threats they bring to businesses in the absence of legal and regulatory protections.