How to certify photos with legal value

TrueScreen allows you to certify the authenticity and immutability of photos taken on your smartphone or tablet with legal value. It instantly applies a timestamp to verify the exact date and time the photo was taken, and a digital signature to ensure the photo cannot be altered.

Certify your photos to prove the truth

Ensuring the authenticity of contextual data such as GPS coordinates, IP addresses, and other technical details will provide indisputable proof  (probative value) that your photographs accurately represent the events as they occurred, in that specific time and place.

Download TrueScreen App now

Qr code to download TrueScreen App

1. Download TrueScreen App

Download the TrueScreen app directly to your smartphone or tablet.

2. Take your photos

Take a photo (or many photos) of the event you want to certify in real time directly within the app.

3. Analysis and data protection

Using a patented algorithm and AI within a completely offline environment, TrueScreen analyzes the captured data and verifies in seconds that the content has not been modified.

4. Immediatly get a Forensic Report and Certify your photos

After analyzing the data, TrueScreen will generate a Forensic Report certified by an Official Certifying Body within seconds. The technical report contains all the data that allows you to uniquely identify your certified photographs.

5. Share your certified photos

You can easily share the Report and all certified photos through any messaging system (Whatsapp, Telegram, iMessage, Messenger etc..), sent by email or saved to a secure cloud.

The Source of Indisputable Data

Certify the authenticity and immutability of your files through patented forensic methodology with full legal value.


Uncompromised Trust & Security

  • Data security and integrity guaranteed at the source of each process

  • Prevention of frauds and disputes

  • Compliant with  Legal, Forensic and Cybersecurity guidelines

Extreme Efficiency

  • Savings on costs and time on data acquisition, checks and document management

  • Customization of any acquisition processes and of the output of every process (document, reports, contracts) according to your needs

  • Fast advanced signature of all any document with full legal value

Frictionless Adoption

  • Easy adoption for any company or organization thanks to API & SDK

  • End to End service: from forensic acquisition to safe storage

  • Easy integration with any information management system (CRM, File management and other enterprise services)

Already trusted by 10.000+ professionals & companies

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