The time to say goodbye to paper contracts and handwritten signatures is getting closer and closer to leave space for electronic signatures that make it easy to authenticate and sign any type of document, cutting down time and costs enormously.

In particular, this article explores the different contexts in which the Advanced Electronic Signature (AdES) can be employed, being, among the 4 types of electronic signatures known and used, the one that promises the most security by allowing the identification of the signer of the document and ensuring the unique connection to the signer.. This is why it is implemented in the certified acquisition method of TrueScreen, the app for mobile devices that validates and certifies any document or media file in seconds and with maximum evidentiary value.

Advanced Electronic Signature (AES): practical examples of use

By applying the Advanced Electronic Signature, several benefits can be achieved such as speeding up bureaucratic processes, eliminating the need to print and sign multiple and multiple copies of a document, as well as simplifying the management of documents and having them with immediate availability.

It is then possible to apply AES in documents concerning:

the opening of a bank account or financial contract;
a confidentiality agreement (NDA or Non-Disclosure Agreement);
report, informed consent, health records (if previously signed by the medical director);
an insurance contract;
a contract for movable goods (consumer, rental);
IT protocols;
document storage procedures;
chamber services;
computerized payment warrants;
telematic purchasing procedures.

Especially for signing contracts such as the first mentioned, so NDAs, informed consents, and financial contracts, the need to protect the parties is even more obvious, and it is possible, in a simple way, by digitally signing with the TrueScreen app. Thus, in addition to the convenience of being able to sign anywhere with any mobile device, it is worth noting the high level of security that is achieved by applying Advanced Electronic Signature within the app.

In fact, thanks to the validation of an Official Certifying Body and the armored environment created within the app, the entire document chain of custody is protected from external attacks, but most importantly, any changes made to the document signed by the signer can be detected, thus ensuring authenticity and immodifiability during each stage and step of the agreement between the parties.


About TrueScreen

TrueScreen is the leading cybersecurity company specializing in the acquisition, signing, and management of data with legal and evidentiary value.

TrueScreen’s mission is to restore trust in digital information by providing proprietary technologies to combat fraud, disputes, and misinformation.

Through the forensic and legally valid acquisition of multimedia content, document signing, and the certification of online data and communications, TrueScreen provides businesses, professionals, and individuals with secure and efficient management of information flows.

TrueScreen is used by multinational corporations, system integrators, consulting firms, and public administrations to ensure authentic and tamper-proof information, improve process efficiency (reducing implementation time and costs), and ensure full compliance with international regulations on data acquisition and processing.

TrueScreen’s proprietary technology is available as a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution through mobile applications, web services, or easily integrable APIs/SDKs for third-party software.

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Discover our solutions

TrueScreen provides companies, professionals and individuals with an ecosystem of services that ensures indisputable data.

Discover our forensic acquisition services for multimedia files, electronic signature solutions, and legally valid email certification.

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Discover our solutions

TrueScreen provides companies, professionals and individuals with an ecosystem of services that ensures indisputable data.

Discover our forensic acquisition services for multimedia files, electronic signature solutions, and legally valid email certification.

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