Italian, English, Spanish, French, German: the TrueScreen app now speaks 5 languages!
TrueScreen services are even more accessible thanks to translation into the most widely spoken languages in Europe and beyond. Especially with English and Spanish, the market opens up further and reaches our overseas users.

TrueScreen technology is protected by 3 patents and is compatible with all legal systems as it adheres to the main international ISO cybersecurity and forensics standards, which define the chain of custody of digital evidence (eIDAS standards).

These standards dictate guidelines for the identification, collection, acquisition, preservation and transport of digital evidence in order to facilitate its exchange between several countries using common methodological protocols. Furthermore, privacy is guaranteed in full compliance with GDPR regulations, so TrueScreen can be used anywhere in the world.

Certify digital content with an app

TrueScreen analyses, certifies and preserves the integrity of photos, videos, screenshots and audio recordings; within seconds, a legal technical report is generated containing data and metadata of the acquisition context (geolocation, network addresses, etc.) of the analysed files.

Capturing a certified photo or video with TrueScreen is quick and requires no special technical skills: download the app, log in and take a photo or record a video, TrueScreen takes care of the rest.


About TrueScreen

TrueScreen is the leading cybersecurity company specializing in the acquisition, signing, and management of data with legal and evidentiary value.

TrueScreen’s mission is to restore trust in digital information by providing proprietary technologies to combat fraud, disputes, and misinformation.

Through the forensic and legally valid acquisition of multimedia content, document signing, and the certification of online data and communications, TrueScreen provides businesses, professionals, and individuals with secure and efficient management of information flows.

TrueScreen is used by multinational corporations, system integrators, consulting firms, and public administrations to ensure authentic and tamper-proof information, improve process efficiency (reducing implementation time and costs), and ensure full compliance with international regulations on data acquisition and processing.

TrueScreen’s proprietary technology is available as a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution through mobile applications, web services, or easily integrable APIs/SDKs for third-party software.

Learn more about TrueScreen at

Discover our solutions

TrueScreen provides companies, professionals and individuals with an ecosystem of services that ensures indisputable data.

Discover our forensic acquisition services for multimedia files, electronic signature solutions, and legally valid email certification.

mockup app

Discover our solutions

TrueScreen provides companies, professionals and individuals with an ecosystem of services that ensures indisputable data.

Discover our forensic acquisition services for multimedia files, electronic signature solutions, and legally valid email certification.

mockup app